Across the Pond
3 bags, 2 flights, 1 country. Tomorrow, I will be on the way to Edinburgh! An adventure awaits, and I am now ready. Ready for Scottish accents, kilts, and haggis. Ready for castles, double-decker buses, and flats. Ready for learning, laughing, and living.
I've wanted to study abroad since my first semester at Furman, and I can't believe it is finally here. My previous trips to Italy and Ireland were amazing, and I know that I have a great opportunity to grow and change in a great Scottish city. Moving to another country for four months is daunting, but I keep myself grounded because it is another experience to add to the list. Edinburgh is a chance for me to see what the real world of arts administration entails, what an international university is like, and what being independent means in another place.
I will spend a good part of 2016 abroad, and I intend to work on my New Year's resolution of creativity, adventures, and connections. This is a continuation of previous goals for myself, and I put words to it to encourage my determination. I am a word-centric person, and I find comfort in motivational quotes and combinations of words that become mantras for my life.
In my Alexander Technique class this past semester, we each picked a word that we wanted to repeat when we needed to go into a state of calm. My word was "connect" because I seek connections in every aspect of my life. I am ready to make connections with the people and the place of Edinburgh.
My goals for this blog are simple: write, photograph, and chronicle. I want to write because I love it and want to share my story. I want to photograph because I like to capture the moments. I want to chronicle because I want to look back and remember my experience with words and pictures.
3 bags, 2 flights, 1 country. Let's go.
Lucky Strike of the Day: I went to Starbucks with my best friend and roommate from this past semester, and it was great to see her before I leave tomorrow.