Cups of Coffee
Surprise! This blog post is not dedicated to the (many) cups of coffee I've consumed this semester. It is, instead, dedicated to the three months that I've spent in Edinburgh and the "seasons of love" I've experienced.
A month minus a day. That is how much time I have left in Edinburgh. In December, when I created this blog, I had no idea that I would be sitting in a cafe, the sun would still be out, and I would be writing about my last month on this day. It was 7:55 pm in my wonderful Scottish city, and I am dumbfounded.
When anyone tells you to make the most of the time that you have with a person, in a place, with an experience, you need to listen. Time slips away, time fades, and time disappears. It just keeps moving, faster than you think it ever will.
I've tasted more mochas than I ever thought possible, I've seen more cities than I could imagine, and I've lived in a different country for longer than a week. It is remarkable to think how different I was in December, busily packing and preparing for the semester. It is remarkable to think how much stronger I feel now, how much more independent I will be in the future.
There is no way to adequately portray a single moment, a day, a month, or even four. I've tried over the course of this blog to articulate in words my feelings, my thoughts, and my actions during this semester. This is the only way (other than pictures) that I know how to chronicle.
My real loves: books and coffee (actually, hot chocolate in this picture).
"Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets
In midnights, in cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife
In five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure a year in the life?
How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Measure in love.
Seasons of love."
This semester, I've experienced the "seasons of love" that RENT describes. I've seen daylight, I've seen sunsets. I've definitely seen midnights and MANY cups of coffee (okay, so the cups of coffee did make an appearance). "Seasons of Love" really exemplifies my semester and the love that I've felt for this city, these people, and this place in general.
Where do you find your "seasons of love," and how do you love them?
Lucky Strike of the Day: I returned to a cafe (which is not often for me, as I crave variety and exploration), but it was worth it. It's called Checkpoint, and I've been sitting at the window watching the sun, then the sunset. This was a successful day of food and productivity.