Discovery of Distance
A five hour time difference seems small, but it is large in the grand scheme of things. I've been in Edinburgh a week, and it is still strange to think about what time it is at home. When I think about my blog (which is constantly), I wonder what time people will be reading, what they will be doing, and how they will be receiving my information. It's very otherworldly.
I've also been thinking about the distance between me and other people here in Edinburgh. I am merely an observer of everyday life at this point. I'm not locked in to a schedule yet, I'm still exploring the small amount of daylight hours that we have, and I'm not even sure where I am half the time. Everyone else seems so together and efficient, but I know it's not true. Everyone has their ups and downs, and we just portray it in different ways.
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit and spend time in The Elephant House Cafe, where J. K. Rowling began the saga of Harry Potter. What an inspirational place, and it doesn't even have WiFi. The business prides itself on being a place of chatter and hustle and bustle. In the hour and a half that I spent there, I witnessed many different people on many different journeys.
I was merely beginning my work on my Passion Planner, my new goal book/planner/dream catcher for the year of 2016. I've been holding on to it for a few weeks, waiting for the correct moment to start. In a place like The Elephant House, where J. K. Rowling had so much influence, I felt motivated to dream, to hope, to experience. I worked on my initial Passion Roadmap, I wrote out my goals for the week, and I even deliberated over some blogging ideas.
This hour and a half that I spent with my Mallow Delight (a giant, warm, gooey marshmallow deliciousness), my lead pencil, and my Passion Planner was probably the most organized I've felt since I arrived in Edinburgh. The essence of time here is very different. Some things move a lot faster, others a lot slower. In this time, though, I felt like I had a goal to make goals, and I felt so much better once I worked through my thoughts.
The Mallow Delight at The Elephant House Cafe in Edinburgh's Old Town.
The Passion Planner focuses on the art of writing everything down, which I love since my brain is as tangled and confused as anyone else's. I'm obviously also a technology person, which is why I love blogging. The combination of the two bodes well for me because I can see the physical manifestations of my achievements in my planner and the online adventures and explorations on my blog.
Here's hoping for more planning time, more warm drinks, and more thought processes.
Lucky Strike of the Day: It snowed! For the first time since we've been in Edinburgh, there were actual snowflakes falling from the sky and landing on my hair and scarf. It was magical.