Frozen in Time

Frozen in Time

A snapshot, a moment, the touch of a button.  There are so many words that I could use (and have used) to describe my time in Edinburgh.  I also love taking pictures, so sometimes I like those to speak for themselves.  I do love captions, though, so I have enjoyed that combination on my @strikesofluck Instagram over the course of this blog, but pictures can say so much.​

As you probably know by now, I am addicted to coffee shops.  I do enjoy coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and pretty much any hot drink, especially in this cold weather.  Many of my pictures have been my artsy depictions of the multitude of ​warmth that I've found in these places in the last two weeks.  The ambience is warm, the drink is warm, and I feel warm just being in that environment.  It is inviting and relaxing at the same time.

These pictures are my happy times.  I enjoy taking them, I enjoy sharing them, and I really enjoy making memories through them.  While I can only capture one single instance in a photo, I am actually capturing an experience.  When I look back at my time in Edinburgh, I will remember those coffee shops because of the pictures, and I will remember the feelings that I felt while in them.​

This morning, I visited Fortitude Coffee, which reminded me a lot of Methodical Coffee at home.  Their main focus is the pure coffee or tea sense that they want their customers to have.  I had their rooibos tea and a raisin pastry, and they were both delightful.  I love the photograph that I took there because it shows the simplicity of the store and the focus on the product.​

My rooibos tea at Fortitude Coffee this morning. 

My rooibos tea at Fortitude Coffee this morning. 

I'd love to, at some point in my life, create a coffee shop guide to the cities that I explore.  I've been using this great app called Edinburgh Coffee Lovers that has shown me around Edinburgh in a very inspiring way.  I have yet to find my favorite coffee shop in the city, but I want to try so many more before I do.   

The obsession is real, and I wouldn't want it any other way. 

Lucky Strike of the Day: In order to visit this magical coffee shop this morning, I woke up early!  This is monumental for me as I am very much a night person, but I loved the busy atmosphere of the city when everyone was on the way to work this morning. 


Create through Clutter

Create through Clutter

Strength of Self

Strength of Self