Need to Breathe

Need to Breathe

Like the famous band (who loves Furman and Greenville too), everyone needs to breathe. Whether it's physical, mental, or spiritual, the need to breathe is immediate, clarifying, and resilient. These three concepts are what I needed.

2017 began with my personal whirlwind, as it usually does. From the second day of January, I was back on campus, fulfilling responsibilities, and giving my time to others. All of these are enjoyable to me, but when the whirlwind faded, I realized self-care was a required next step.

On January 16, 2017, I announced my social media hiatus. I didn't know when I would return, I didn't know what I would do, but I knew that I needed to live in my own world with my people and my places in order to breathe. This past month has been full of difficulty and direction, but it has also been full of light and laughter.

What did I do with my time off?

Finished Grey's Anatomy. Rejoined my sorority. Drove around for fun. Used pencil and paper to gather my thoughts. Made lots of lists. Planned and executed an event for almost 300 people. Bought my new favorite Serenflipity cards. Ate way too much homemade raisin bread. Researched for spring break (more information to come later).


What did I realize?

Some moments are meant to be treasured and not shared. Some moments are quiet and contemplative. Some moments are shouts to the world.

When you live in a world of social media and constant connection, the lines between personal and postable blur. Should you post that photo of your adorable cat? You could, but you could also post the creative flatlay that you took in your favorite coffee shop. Both are beautiful, but only one makes it to Instagram.

Moving forward, I want to continue being intentional about my online persona. It's always been a core tenet of mine, but I want to make sure that I'm sharing for enjoyment and not for all of the daily grind. Every minute of the day is precious. My time spent in the real world versus my time spent online will continue to be one of creativity, adventures, and connections.

Lucky Strike of the Day: When I returned to Instagram, I found out that I was tagged as one of the "Favorite Local Instagram Accounts" on Greenville on the Rise. What a happy return!

Mural to Media

Mural to Media

17 for 2017

17 for 2017