Steps to Take
If you believe that life is a journey, then your life is made up of a conglomeration of steps. Literal steps across the ground, figurative steps to a change in time, and monumental steps from age to age or from place to place. Whether my step is shaky or sure, I always know that there is a support system below to build me up.
Sperry boots and a striking gate that I found in Stirling this past weekend.
Here are my 5 reasons to take steps:
1. You have to keep going.
Some days are difficult, I understand. This morning was a typically rainy morning in Edinburgh, and I didn't want to get out of bed to brave the weather for class. I reluctantly took those steps, but I know that I was better for it. Even if the outcome of the step is uncertain, it is worth the effort.
2. You don't know what to expect.
This may or may not be a positive, but I've discovered so much here in Edinburgh just by walking around. Today, I went to a place called Brewed and Baked, where I had an amazing white chocolate and raspberry drizzle. If I hadn't taken those extra steps down the road in Musselburgh today, I wouldn't have found this.
3. You will constantly grow.
Every experience, every person, every place changes you. You have the opportunity to take control of that if you put yourself in a position to encourage interaction. The more connections you make, the bigger your social network and your knowledge of the world. Embrace it.
4. You will feel more comfortable taking risks.
The way to take risks is to take them, and it's as simple as that. I know they are scary, I'm not a huge risk-taker myself. Fortunately, I know the value of them and that they push me to adapt and be flexible more than anything else.
5. You will discover yourself.
As cliché as this is to say, the only way to figure out who you are is to break out of your comfort zone and try different things to find the things that you enjoy the most. Until I started blogging, I always admired these writers of the web, but I quickly realized that I could be one too. Now I am, and I'm so much happier in this creative space.
Lucky Strike of the Day: We had an impromptu dance party in our flat tonight, and I loved the spontaneity of the occasion.