Learning to Live
Every day is different, and we make decisions that affect our future that we don't even realize. One of my biggest life lessons recently is simply learning how to live. How to live with people, how to live with purpose, and how to live with presence. Recently, I've been dealing with circumstances out of my control (as these things arise at the most inopportune times), and I've realized that I'm just learning how to live.
What would I love to do on any given day? I'd love to write, I'd love to drink coffee, and I'd love to learn something new. I'd love to have heart-to-hearts, I'd love to take photographs, and I'd love to have a new adventure. Loving and living should be simultaneous, but often, we don't treat them as such or don't give them as much value or time.
I've been participating in the #addlovechallenge recently, and it's a constant reminder to me to get out of my comfort zone, to incorporate things I love into every day life, and to use my power for good.
Me being me.
Life is difficult. It comes with many obstacles, but it also comes with many rewards. It's hard not to get bogged down in the obstacles because they really seem all-consuming (believe me, I know). I'm telling you that these feelings are VALID. They are important to recognize. You are allowed to scream, cry, and express yourself in whatever way you desire. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
When you're having those bad days where you feel like nothing is going right, that's when you need to spend time doing what you love. Those assignments and responsibilities in life are important, but YOU are more important. Your health is important. Your well-being is important.
If that means you need to spend time with a loved one, do it. If that means you need to edit photos for an hour, do it. If that means you need to watch Gilmore Girls (or the Netflix show of your choice), do it. We're all learning how to live. Embrace it.
Lucky Strike of the Day: My talented Furman friends, John and Sophie Harris, wrote and illustrated a book entitled Mr. Tuck and the 13 Heroes. You can find it here on Amazon!