Words between People
Letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, pages. Any combination is powerful and holds the key to our success as a society. I'm in love with words and their meanings and their possibilities, and I always have been.
In sixth grade, we had to perform a speech in the style of "This I Believe" from NPR. I wrote about words. This shouldn't be surprising, considering I am now a blogger and have always been very obsessed with the strength and opportunity that words provide.
Live, laugh, love.
What we don't realize is that every word counts. Whether I am ecstatic or crestfallen, I can use words to describe my state to others. I can use words to tell others how I feel. I can use words to say anything that I want at any point in time.
Sometimes, this is not a blessing, but a curse. Sticks and stones and breaking bones are horrendous, but words can cut through to your heart like a knife through Nutella. We often do not realize the significance that our conversations have on other people. Believe me, they are more poignant than we tend to acknowledge.
I am a lover of conversation, and I love one-on-one interactions for that matter. I believe that to truly know a person is to understand the words that they use and the way that they craft them.
Don't ever take your ability to use your voice for granted. Despite the mediums, I know that words work their magic through person to person, FaceTime, blogs, Instagram, and the like.
Here's the real part, dear readers. I don't always use my words in the best way either. Sometimes, I get angry, I get in a funk, I lash out. I'm still learning, and you are too. Words put each and every one of us in a vulnerable position every second of every day.
We must make the choice to use our words wisely, to use our words for positive outcomes, to use our words for other people's sanity. I truly believe that the power of conversation will prevail, regardless of social media and other forms of communication that we possess.
Next time, remember that your words have the power to build someone up or to tear them down. Use that power gracefully. Your true family, friends, and confidantes will accept you for your learning process. You are amazing because you know that you are still growing and changing, and that will never stop. Love every moment.
Lucky Strike of the Day: I AM GOING TO LONDON NEXT WEEKEND! Stay tuned for travel updates.